Project Details




WITH OVER 500 CAREER WINS, GEORGE BOSSI is one of the winningest coaches in U.S. history. At 78 years-old, he is entering his 50th year of coaching at Lowell High School in Massachusetts. Bossi’s dedication and passion has created lifelong bonds with the wrestlers he has coached–many of whom consider him a father. Wrestlers from the past five decades credit Bossi’s tough-love approach with saving them from troubled family lives, rough streets, drugs, and crime.

“A fantastic documentary. Deserves to be seen by as many sports fans as possible.”

Dan Arruda


"Not many films have been made about wrestling coaches – Thomas McCarthy’s outstanding fictional feature “Win Win” (2011) is the only one that comes to mind. But when you’ve spent 50 years teaching teenagers the half nelson while building their character like coach George Bossi at Lowell High School, a cinematic tribute is in order."

Peter Keough


"The power of a coach is an outstanding documentary that take you on an emotional journey about relationships and the powerful lessons delivered by a legendary coach. This film demonstrates the impact that one man can have on thousands that he has touched in a special way during a 50-year coaching career. It's a must see for coaches, athletes and parents.”

Carl Adams

Legendary Coach

“Every wrestling program in the country should see this film.”

Doug Parker

Wrestling Hall of Fame Coach

"Everything good and pure about the sport of wrestling... This film will remind you that wrestling played an integral part in shaping your life. Every wrestler, fan and coach should watch it.”

Bryan Van Kley

WIN Magazine Publisher

"Bossi: The Power of a Coach" is a simple direct description of a wrestling coach with passion and gives young men direction for life. Truly more young men need leaders like Coach Bossi that are strong, direct and caring."

Ben Peterson

Olympic Champ

“I love those old gritty wrestling coaches. Those guys have shaped and guided more young lives than anybody could ever know. Coach Bossi seems like an exceptional coach and man. Excellent work on your film.”

Rad Martinez

MMA star

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    25 Dec 2020


    Jhonathan Doe


    Michael M. Maggio